My Love Letter to Myself
The purpose of this exercise is for you to get to a place where you totally love and accept yourself just the way you are. It is designed to help you identify the traits, skills, qualities and talents that are unique to you and that make you such a wonderful soul.
The second half of the worksheet will guide you to create ways in which you can daily practice and affirm your strengths, encouraging you to step into a more confident, radiant, graceful version of you.
Step 1: Think of at least 10 things you love about yourself.
Now I know from experience that this can be a lot easier said than done. So if you’re struggling, take a moment to close your eyes. Take some deep, slow, mindful breaths. Feel your heart rate settling, your mind quieting. Okay, imagine asking your family, your friends, colleagues, acquaintances what your strengths, admirable qualities or unique traits were, what would they say.
For example:
I am: Honest
I am: Brave
I am: Creative
Step 2: Consider the ways in which these qualities have benefited you or someone else in your life.
For each of the qualities listed above, complete the following sentence:
The quality of _________ has benefited me because _________________________________________________________
So perhaps your honesty has benefited your relationship because you can clearly communicate your needs to your partner. Maybe being brave enabled you to move through a challenging situation and build more resilience in the process. And your innate creativity landed you your dream job that allows you express yourself and work in the way you want.
Step 3: Next come up with ways to honour these qualities in ways that are personally meaningful to you.
Now that you have tapped into your unique traits and understand how they benefit you and the people you love, it’s time to commit to them. This step involves creating ways in which you can honour, affirm and strengthen your qualities. So for instance, you might set the intention that you will remind yourself 5x in the morning and 10x in the evening that “I am an honest, valuable, worthy person that people love and trust”. Or to create a list noting the challenging experiences that you overcome so that you can reflect back on these and remind yourself that “I am strong, brave, capable and resilient”. Or schedule creative time into your week because you know that it lights you up, makes you feel fulfilled, content, worthy.
Step 4: Put your love letter somewhere visible to remind you everyday that you are loveable, valuable and more than enough.
It’s no good just doing the exercise and hoping that everything will change. Post it on your mirror, type it up in your phone notes, so that whenever you feel your self esteem getting knocked, whenever that voice of self doubt creeps in, you can come back to all the wonderful things about you. Having them visible will encourage you to nurture and strengthen these qualities each and every day.
If you’re struggling with any aspect of this exercise, don’t worry, I know from experience it can be challenging. I have supported countless women transition from feelings of insecurity and worthlessness to a place where they deeply, and unconditionally, love and accept themselves. If you want to dive deeper into your self esteem then get in touch for a free discovery call today.