The Guide to Not Loving Yourself
The journey to loving and accepting yourself can be challenging. But there is another way to live your life. The path of choosing to not love yourself. So if you're excited by a life where you're overwhelmed because there's always something more that needs to be done, where you doubt yourself and second guess your decisions, where you feel lost because you're not as happy as you could be, then my Guide to Self-Loathing is just what you're looking for!
How to Believe You're Enough & Accept Yourself
Learning to love yourself is not something that changes overnight. It requires consistent, daily practice to rewire faulty brain patterns of a lifetime. Establishing a practice of self care is communicating to yourself on a deep level that you are worthy
What Does it Mean to Believe that you’re Enough?
I am enough - an affirmation that gets bandied about but what does it actually mean? And more importantly, is it possible to believe that you are enough? This post looks at the concept of enoughness and the steps you can follow to cultivate a sense of love and acceptance in your life
How to Overcome Your Negative Thoughts
Just because we think something, doesn’t mean that it is true. In fact, many of our thoughts are distorted in some way. Learning to challenge your thoughts and overcome negative thinking, is one of the most powerful tools you can give yourself.
Take Your Thought to Court
On an average day we have 70,000-8,000 thoughts. Some of these thoughts are useful, some of these thoughts totally random, and many, many thoughts are cruel, judgemental, critical and distorted. Learning to observe our thoughts and challenge the negative thoughts is one of the most effective tools for cultivating happiness.
The Thinking Styles to Remove in Order to Thrive
Everyone falls prey to irrational thoughts at times because these patterns of thinking are often so subtle, so ingrained, so familiar, that it's hard to notice that they're even there. This article explores the eleven faulty thinking patterns that get in the way of finding happiness, purpose, fulfilment, confidence, self-love.
Myth Busting: Blue Monday
Blue Monday is the name given to a day in January said by a UK travel company, Sky Travel, to be the most depressing day of the year. But is it fact or fiction? And what can you do to ensure that you are managing your mental health whatever day of the year it is.
10 Self-Care Ideas for Christmas
Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. Or is it? People are speaking more honestly about the darker side of the holiday season. This year, put Self-Care at the top of your wishlist with 10 practices to move through the season with kindness and grace.
Practicing Gratitude
Curious how to you can incorporate a practice of gratitude into your everyday? Check out my recent blog post in which I share 6 easy ways to tap into the feelings of gratefulness.
9 Signs You Have Low Self Worth
Do you struggle with low self-worth? Perhaps, like many people you’re not sure. Self-worth can manifest in overt and subtle ways. This post explores the 8 surprising signs of low self-worth.
What Really Contributes to Our Sense of Worth
Where does low self worth come from and what can we do to strengthen our sense of self love and acceptance? This post outlines 7 factors that negatively impact the way we feel about ourselves and practical tips to improve our sense of self-worth.
The Myth of Worth
But what do we mean by Self-Worth and where does it come from? Check out this week's blog to find out more about what self-worth is, and perhaps more importantly, what self-worth is not!
Beat the Imposter
I’m sure it’s safe to say that most of us have experienced it — we think we fluked that exam, or only got the job because we exaggerated our ability, or that we’re not worthy of the praise we received. Coupled with an ongoing fear of being exposed as a fraud; that one day people will realise that you’re not as good at what you do as they first thought. Chances are, these are tell tell signs that impostor syndrome is present.
The B Word
Burnout is something that impacts over 50% of people in the workplace. This week I share 3 simple tools to manage stress and bring you back to a state of balance.
Labeling Your Thoughts
This meditation is an opportunity for you to create space between you and your thoughts, helping you to recognise that you are not your thoughts. Learn to watch your thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky.
Bringing Mental Health Awareness to Your Everyday Work Life
World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to bring the topic of mental health to the forefront of people’s mind. This post offers simple ways in which mental health can be improved in the workspace and how you can ensure that you prioritise your wellbeing.
Improve Gut Health, Improve Mental Health
Part 2 of the Mind Gut connection. Annie Winters (DipNT) shares her top 5 tips for managing gut health to ensure a healthy, happy mind.
Happy Mind, Happy Gut
Having struggled for many years with gut health myself, it has been a great excitement for me to team up with Annie Winter (DipNT) to explore the connection between gut health and happiness. Part 1 of a 2 part series.
Getting Intimate with the Inner Critic
As strange as it may seem, the inner critic’s purpose is to protect you. Follow these 6 steps to understand your inner critic so that you can quieten the negativity
The Roots of the Critic
We’ve been listening to the inner critic for years, if not decades. It comes from our mind so why would we not believe all that it tells us? This post explores how the critic is formed from the opinions and judgements of the people we grew up with.